Back4Good® Programme
Back pain affects more than 80% of adults at some point in their life, many suffering long-term chronic pain that has a severe physical, lifestyle, and emotional impact. The adapted Pilates exercises in the Back4Good® Programme can help in the prevention and management of low back pain.
What does the Back4Good® Programme Entail?
The Back4Good® Programme has been developed specifically to help those with low back pain by using tailored Pilates-based exercises that are safe and effective.
You will learn the basic principles of Pilates "The ABCs" - Alignment, Breathing and Centring (Core Stability). From there you will move on to a series of exercises designed to control your movements and improve your posture, improving both the strength and flexibility of your back.
What's included?
3 hour-long one-to-one sessions
Session 1: Intro to Pilates fundamentals plus initial movement assessment
Session 2: Full Movement Assessment
Session 3: Bespoke session focussing on your movement needs and priorities, based on the outcome of your movement assessment.
Lifetime access to 3 "homework" videos.
A copy of The Back Book.
"Evidence-based advice on coping with back pain and leading a normal life. Written by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, this includes the very latest thinking on the subject. It provides back facts, details the causes of back pain and explains exercises to relieve back pain".